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Selectmen's Minutes 2008/04/07
Sunapee Board of Selectmen Meeting
Town Hall
April 7, 2008
7:00 PM
*****DRAFT*****                                                 *****DRAFT*****

Present:   Richard Leone – Chairman, Stephen White – Vice Chairman, Emma Smith,
           William Roach, Frederick Gallup

Also Present:  Donna Nashawaty – Town Manager, Van Webb – Conservation Commission, Tim Fleury – Conservation Commission, Sandra Willard – InterTown Record, Carl Keyser – Argus Champion, State Representative Sue Gottling.

The meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM by Chairman Richard Leone.

ITEMS FOR SIGNATURE OR REVIEW – See agenda attached to official copy of minutes.

PUBLIC COMMENTS – Sandra Willard of the InterTown Record and Carl Keyser of the Argus Champion introduced themselves.

MISCELLANEOUS – Fred Gallup reported on perambulation.  The last official perambulation was done in the 1940’s.  He has worked with the Goshen forester and they have found a marker in the woods dated 1933.  He has been unable to find the Newbury, Goshen, Sunapee marker, but has since gotten a report done by Newbury and with that, should be able to find that monument.  He was unable to find the marker for the Goshen, Newport, Sunapee corner.  It is critical that both of those be found.  Donna will write to the Goshen Board of Selectmen to notify them that perambulation is in the works.  She also stated that the findings will be recorded on GPS.

Fred will continue to work on this and, hopefully, have a report.  He will get the Boards together and go to the points as best they can.  Donna will get a list of the responsible towns for initiating perambulation.  Monuments will be marked with the date.

Conservation Commission -  Van Webb and Tim Fleury presented information from the Conservation Commission.  A pamphlet on The Sawyer Trail was handed out.  Van reported that Senior Project night is April 24, 2008 and his son will be giving a presentation on the Sawyer Trail.

Van reported on the Gorr lot at Ledge Pond  at the end of Keyes Rd.  The Commission would like to make it part of the Town Forest and will present a warrant article next year.  If approved, it would then be part of the forest and they can do management on it.  He stated that Clayton Platt did a new survey 1 ½ years ago and all the boundaries are marked.  The lot is in their book, but not part of the town forest now.  Steve White suggested that they put a note in the book that it is proposed town forest.  They will do that.  

Van stated that at the last meeting of the Commission the members expressed interest in dedicating a bench on the Gorr lot to Bruce Burdett for his many years of dedicated service to the Commission.  They would like to put in a parking area at the lot and will present a sketch to the Board of Selectmen.  They would like permission to do so and would like to put the bench by the pond.  A motion was made by Steve White to allow the parking area, contingent upon a designed plan.  The motion was seconded by Emma Smith.  Fred Gallup advised that the bench should be in line with the Beautification Committee guidelines.  The motion was approved unanimously.

Van advised that the Commission will be working with the Planning Board on the Master
Plan and will be attending their April meeting.  They would like to contribute to the
Natural Resources chapter in the plan.  The Commission has contracted with UVLSRPC
to have maps prepared.  The protected lands map will be updated and the agricultural and forest soils will be included.  A future land use map will be the end product.  That is what the Conservation Commission is hoping to do.  The cost for the maps should be about $5,000.00 to $5,000.00.  The Commission currently has about $129,000.00 in their fund.

A motion was made by Stephen White to approve the minutes of the March 24, 2008 meeting.  The motion was seconded by William Roach and approved unanimously.


State “April 07 Floods” receipt of funding $11,367.26 -  Donna reported that we have just
received a check for $11,367.26 and need a public hearing to accept the funds.  A motion
was made by Stephen White to set a public hearing for the receipt of additional
State funds for April 21, 2008. The motion was seconded by William Roach and
Approved unanimously.  Donna will schedule the hearing for 8:00 PM, after the public
hearing for Comcast.   

Use of Town Facilities –
       Hause Family Reunion, Dewey Beach, June 28, 2008
        Firefighters Day, Veterans Memorial Field, July 12, 2008
        SCES 5th Grade Beach Day, Dewey Beach, June 17, 2008, rain date June 18, 2008
        United Methodist Church Musical, Ben Mere Bandstand, August 2, 2008
All were approved and signed.

Application for Current Use –
        Norton, 251 Prospect Hill Road
        Abbott, 38 Seven Hearths Lane
The above were approved and signed.

Yield Tax Warrant – Donna reported that the yield tax warrant for Cooper Street Partners was incorrect because of multiple lots.  There is a new tax warrant list to be signed.  The list was signed by the Board of Selectmen.

Bill Roach advised that they need to work on the River Rd. parking and the one way
traffic loop.  Donna reported that Tony has a number from Bergerron Engineering.  The
Board can review that and discuss it at their next meeting and should be able to make a
recommendation or proposal.  Fred stated that they will have to have a public hearing
to change the Parking Ordinance.  The Board will review it at their April 21, 2008
meeting and at that time set a public hearing for May 5, 2008.

Dick Leone complimented the town’s web site.  There is a lot of information there.

Dick stated that he is going to the DOC meeting at 4:00 PM on April 9, 2008, if anyone
wants to go.  Donna reported that the purpose of the meeting is to describe the upgrades
to the County Correctional Facility.  Sue Gottling reported that they will be scheduling
a meeting for Sunapee, probably at the Safety Services Building on either April 23 or
April 30, 2008.  She will know more tomorrow.


Update of Coalition Communities – Donna reported that the constitutional amendment
and article will be heard fairly soon (SB529).  Dick Leone expressed that he is very
concerned about comments from the Chairman of the Educational Committee regarding
donor towns.  Donna questioned how the County will be making up their shortfall.  Sue
Gottling stated that no decision has been made year.  They are having hearings.  Donna
advised that the information is needed to make decisions on the budget and to project
the tax rate.  Sue Gottling stated she thinks the deficit this year will be a lot less than
last year.      

Update of CSLPA -  Donna advised that an amendment was made to the bill in March
that suggested an implementation date of October 1, 2008.  It has passed the Senate and
has to come back to the House.  Then, the newspapers have reported that they are looking
at a July 1, 2008 implementation date.  She stated that CSLPA is in place as of April 1,
2008.  The town has been getting a lot of calls and is referring people to DES.  Sue
Gottling reported that DES has gotten 6 new people to help handle the load.

The meeting adjourned at 8:55 PM.

Submitted by,
Joan Bleau
Recording Secretary                             Approved:                               

Richard Leone, Chairman                 Stephen White, Vice Chairman

Frederick Gallup                                William Roach

Emma Smith